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I have always been frustrated by preachers and commentators who just say Jesus was saying pay your taxes to Caesar and pay your tithe to the church. They missed the greater principle of giving your WHOLE life to God. Thanks for giving voice to the deeper truth.

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You've hit the nail on the head, Mark! Our standard isn't 10%, or 23%... it's 100%. All we have, and all we are, belong to Him.


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I always surprise people when I boldly say " I don't tithe". But then I follow it up with "because it's too limiting". So many people give their 10% and think they've given God His share. But it's ALL His. He calls us to be hilarious givers, being joyful to give in abundance. The widow giving 2 mites gave all! The only 2 mentions of tithing in the New Testament both refer back to the Old. But there are a dozen+ references to voluntary giving, joyful and generous. But human nature likes rules over liberty. Because liberty properly applied requires intentional responsibility.

Reading through some of the comments from your tithing article left me discouraged. So many people have no concept of proper Biblical interpretation of the Old and New Covenants. It's all God's true word to us. But there are distinctions that must be applied. Rightly dividing the word of truth. To be under the Law at any point puts you under it all. Jesus is our righteousness. Grace really is amazing. The amount of Biblical illiteracy is sad. And it seems the voices that misunderstand the most are the quickest to speak up. May God give us a revival of Holy Spirit infused Biblical literacy.

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We're on the same page, Mark!

I'm sorry the comments discouraged you. They sometimes discourage me, too... but then I remember that gathering random strangers from around the world so they can read more about what God says is a very good thing. The size of the problem can be overwhelming, but being able to address it - at any level - is an encouragement. I'd guess that around 5 million people have read that article, so I'm grateful that I'm able to help! =)

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May God truely bless your efforts!

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You're very kind. Thanks!

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Daniel is a great example of that duality. Compliance and noncompliance in a manner that honors God,

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