We do have a mission to blow up the bridge to Satan, the Papacy. We are to love Catholics, but blow up the beast they support. Our war is spiritual, not physical.
For now, history is the correct lens to view the accuracy of biblical prophecy. We know that the whole old testament, the history of the Hebrew nation under Abrahamic Covenant, points to Jesus (the road to Emmaus). Why would God shift prophetic gears and change how we are to interpret prophesies of the New Covenant? We are the most blessed generation. We have the full counsel of God, but we are still lukewarm, the Laodicean church. I have a gift of decoding spiritual truth from the imagery of scripture. Literalism has killed this gift in Laodicea. You can seat this right back to the bridge to Satan, the Papacy, the first beast of Rev 13. Dig into the activities of the Jesuits in the counter-reformation movement. Again, history reveals prophecy.
>> For now, history is the correct lens to view the accuracy of biblical prophecy.
We can only know that prophecy has been fulfilled AFTER it's fulfilled. Right?
>> We know that the whole old testament, the history of the Hebrew nation under Abrahamic Covenant, points to Jesus (the road to Emmaus).
>> Why would God shift prophetic gears and change how we are to interpret prophesies of the New Covenant?
Who said we should? I only asked for Bible verses. So far, I don't see any. =)
>> We are the most blessed generation. We have the full counsel of God
In a manner of speaking - a la Hebrews - yes.
>> but we are still lukewarm, the Laodicean church.
Speak for yourself, my man. I'm not lukewarm. Most of the Christians I hang out with aren't lukewarm, either.
>> I have a gift of decoding spiritual truth from the imagery of scripture.
I don't care about that. If it's true, that's great for you... but seriously, it doesn't do me any good. I'm a Berean. No matter what you claim, I'm going to go to Scripture and double-check it. I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do anything less than that.
Along those lines, I've been told the same thing over and over, by a number of people... 100% of whom were entirely wrong about their claims, 100% of whom never accepted responsibility for prophesying falsely, and 100% of whom I love and serve and humbly wish God's best for. If you're different, you must refer back to Scripture... or your writings are no better than the Book of Mormon or the New World Translation or the ramblings of Kenneth Copeland. I mean no disrespect by this... only making sure you know where I stand: on God's Word, which everyone can use to double-check me and you.
Carry on: if you have Scriptures that can teach me, I'm willing to learn. =)
John 5:35-47. I mean no disrespect from this, you are part of the body as I am. I am an eye, you are a leg, but of the same spirit testifying about Christ, but with different roles. The Pharisees made stuff up by their interpretations and forced people to obey by humiliation. Today there are thousands of interpretations of scripture, but only one spiritual meaning. Our Laodicean church culture places Pastors above the laity, exactly how the reformers failed in their mission, all under the watchful eye of the bridge to Satan. I love your heart Tony. The new Temple is inside and the Spirit gives us 20/20 vision into them. Scripture is just words without the Spirit.
>> Today there are thousands of interpretations of scripture, but only one spiritual meaning.
We agree.
>> Our Laodicean church culture places Pastors above the laity
This is nothing new. It's not 'our culture,' it's human nature... and the result of poor teaching.
>> The new Temple is inside and the Spirit gives us 20/20 vision into them. Scripture is just words without the Spirit.
No, Scripture is only Scripture because it's God-breathed. If it's not God-breathed, then it's not Scripture.
Come on, Geoffrey: if you can, be a bit more direct. You've proffered a thought, and I've asked you to provide some reason for me to agree with you. So far, it seems like you're dodging. To be clear: I do not agree with you, nor do I currently believe that what you've claimed is true. I'm not calling you a liar... I'm just being wise, not simply believing whatever someone else says. Give me some reason to believe what you say, or acknowledge that you can't. =)
I’m not much of a theologian, but I know exactly what God called me to do with my life. He said, “Switter, I want you to kneel at the feet of the world, and as My hands and My heart, I want you to serve and comfort the poor, the widows, the orphans, the wanderers, the prisoners, the hungry, the naked, and the sick, these the least of my children.” He never promised it would be easy or that I wouldn’t be scarred, only that no matter how much I gave on His behalf, I’d receive more than I could ever give.
And I am scarred. The evil one knows our vulnerabilities and is vicious, but the Lord Jesus gives us what we need and reminds us that we are His brothers and sisters, which makes us children of His Father. I can’t think about what that means without thinking of this beautiful song:
Hey Switter! Thanks for sharing the song, and your words. Zach is pretty awesome, I must say. As for the words, they resonate. I love theology, and philosophy, and thinking deeply about many things... but our faith really is pretty simple. I get asked all kinds of questions about God and the Bible, but the goal of every answer is to bring them a little closer to trusting Him more completely. Trust. Obey. Love. Serve. Give. It really isn't very complicated.
Hi Tony
We do have a mission to blow up the bridge to Satan, the Papacy. We are to love Catholics, but blow up the beast they support. Our war is spiritual, not physical.
I'm having trouble remembering that passage of Scripture, Geoffrey. Can you remind me?
Daniel 7 and Rev 13. History reveals the truth. Biblical prophecy is always 100% accurate.
Oh, I'm familiar with those. Remind me about the parts that tell Christians to blow up the Papacy. I'm not sure where to find those.
I didn’t say to blow up the Papacy, but the bridge to the Papacy, which is Satan.
"Hi Tony
We do have a mission to blow up the bridge to Satan, the Papacy."
I didn't study this stuff when I was a kid. Could you walk me through it?
How much time do you have?
For now, history is the correct lens to view the accuracy of biblical prophecy. We know that the whole old testament, the history of the Hebrew nation under Abrahamic Covenant, points to Jesus (the road to Emmaus). Why would God shift prophetic gears and change how we are to interpret prophesies of the New Covenant? We are the most blessed generation. We have the full counsel of God, but we are still lukewarm, the Laodicean church. I have a gift of decoding spiritual truth from the imagery of scripture. Literalism has killed this gift in Laodicea. You can seat this right back to the bridge to Satan, the Papacy, the first beast of Rev 13. Dig into the activities of the Jesuits in the counter-reformation movement. Again, history reveals prophecy.
>> How much time do you have?
I'm not going anywhere.
>> For now, history is the correct lens to view the accuracy of biblical prophecy.
We can only know that prophecy has been fulfilled AFTER it's fulfilled. Right?
>> We know that the whole old testament, the history of the Hebrew nation under Abrahamic Covenant, points to Jesus (the road to Emmaus).
>> Why would God shift prophetic gears and change how we are to interpret prophesies of the New Covenant?
Who said we should? I only asked for Bible verses. So far, I don't see any. =)
>> We are the most blessed generation. We have the full counsel of God
In a manner of speaking - a la Hebrews - yes.
>> but we are still lukewarm, the Laodicean church.
Speak for yourself, my man. I'm not lukewarm. Most of the Christians I hang out with aren't lukewarm, either.
>> I have a gift of decoding spiritual truth from the imagery of scripture.
I don't care about that. If it's true, that's great for you... but seriously, it doesn't do me any good. I'm a Berean. No matter what you claim, I'm going to go to Scripture and double-check it. I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do anything less than that.
Along those lines, I've been told the same thing over and over, by a number of people... 100% of whom were entirely wrong about their claims, 100% of whom never accepted responsibility for prophesying falsely, and 100% of whom I love and serve and humbly wish God's best for. If you're different, you must refer back to Scripture... or your writings are no better than the Book of Mormon or the New World Translation or the ramblings of Kenneth Copeland. I mean no disrespect by this... only making sure you know where I stand: on God's Word, which everyone can use to double-check me and you.
Carry on: if you have Scriptures that can teach me, I'm willing to learn. =)
John 5:35-47. I mean no disrespect from this, you are part of the body as I am. I am an eye, you are a leg, but of the same spirit testifying about Christ, but with different roles. The Pharisees made stuff up by their interpretations and forced people to obey by humiliation. Today there are thousands of interpretations of scripture, but only one spiritual meaning. Our Laodicean church culture places Pastors above the laity, exactly how the reformers failed in their mission, all under the watchful eye of the bridge to Satan. I love your heart Tony. The new Temple is inside and the Spirit gives us 20/20 vision into them. Scripture is just words without the Spirit.
>> Today there are thousands of interpretations of scripture, but only one spiritual meaning.
We agree.
>> Our Laodicean church culture places Pastors above the laity
This is nothing new. It's not 'our culture,' it's human nature... and the result of poor teaching.
>> The new Temple is inside and the Spirit gives us 20/20 vision into them. Scripture is just words without the Spirit.
No, Scripture is only Scripture because it's God-breathed. If it's not God-breathed, then it's not Scripture.
Come on, Geoffrey: if you can, be a bit more direct. You've proffered a thought, and I've asked you to provide some reason for me to agree with you. So far, it seems like you're dodging. To be clear: I do not agree with you, nor do I currently believe that what you've claimed is true. I'm not calling you a liar... I'm just being wise, not simply believing whatever someone else says. Give me some reason to believe what you say, or acknowledge that you can't. =)
Hey Tony, your lunch buddy here.
I’m not much of a theologian, but I know exactly what God called me to do with my life. He said, “Switter, I want you to kneel at the feet of the world, and as My hands and My heart, I want you to serve and comfort the poor, the widows, the orphans, the wanderers, the prisoners, the hungry, the naked, and the sick, these the least of my children.” He never promised it would be easy or that I wouldn’t be scarred, only that no matter how much I gave on His behalf, I’d receive more than I could ever give.
And I am scarred. The evil one knows our vulnerabilities and is vicious, but the Lord Jesus gives us what we need and reminds us that we are His brothers and sisters, which makes us children of His Father. I can’t think about what that means without thinking of this beautiful song:
Hey Switter! Thanks for sharing the song, and your words. Zach is pretty awesome, I must say. As for the words, they resonate. I love theology, and philosophy, and thinking deeply about many things... but our faith really is pretty simple. I get asked all kinds of questions about God and the Bible, but the goal of every answer is to bring them a little closer to trusting Him more completely. Trust. Obey. Love. Serve. Give. It really isn't very complicated.