Apr 13Liked by Tony Scialdone | GodWords

Paul follows an order of information first in his epistles, then gives directions based on the doctrine. Information, then imperatives.

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That's a good insight, James!

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Apr 13Liked by Tony Scialdone | GodWords

Information, data first. Exactly why Paul prayed for his readers "asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way:..."

We pray this also.

p.s. Great photo!

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You’re right in saying that people should not be giving 10% to God.

It all belongs to Him.

But, I think that people should be giving about 50% plus or minus 49% depending on their income.

But ultimately it is a decision to be made between the individual and God.

It is important to note that I did not say : a decision to be made by the individual alone.

One needs to have a close relationship with God in order to hear from Him.

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Apr 16Liked by Tony Scialdone | GodWords

I am reminded of a quote from Kenneth Boa. He said, “The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects.” Having coherent, rational answers to questions people are actually asking is an essential discipline for every Christian. The time of thinking that “Faith” is some belief in spite of the evidence is long over, especially when there is a large and growing lexicon of reliable evidence to draw upon.

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